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Photo tube 1x Verification

A possible reason for image errors (i.e. blurring in the edges) is the photo tube. This can be checked quite easily. 

Microscope photo tube factor

Modern microscope have a lot of additional elements. At first sight it is not always quite easy to find out which part influences the image quality.

microscope photo tube eyepiece tube

With the existing eyepiece tube it's easy to check the photo tube. First the dioptre adjustment has to be reseted to default setting (if available).

microscope photo tube inner diameter eyepiece tube

Now place the eyepiece (usually 30mm internal diameter) centrical on to the c-mount port. Then watch through the eyepiece. If needed the focuse can be adjusted with a micrometer. Thus the image quality can easily be checked in respect of:

Especially in the edges there might be problems with the image quality. If you have our "Pro"-adapter solution, the c-mount extension can be used for this test with the eyepiece (23,2mm internal diameter) for microscopes with infinite-optics.

visual factor microscope cmount

The big plus of the c-mount extension is, that it can be used as a fixation.

Adapter solution with c-mount extension

This test is only useful with microscopes and eyepieces with infinite-optics. By no means eyepieces of older microscopes should be used as they have optical corrections.
